石井外科院長 石井正彌(外科医師)

Specialized medical examination of the foot is a field that has only a short history and has only been systematized in the western part of the shoe society for about 100 years. In Japan, it was only a few years ago that specialized medical examination departments were established in universities. Since the feet are the foundation of the body, I have long felt the need to learn, but as a systematized discipline today, you need to go abroad to study either German or Western podiatry. In the midst of this, I received an interesting news from my friend. It was a report that he improved his physical condition by visiting ASHITASTYLE®.
My friend, who is also a medical practitioner, saw an orthopedic surgeon for pain in the soles of his feet that made it difficult to walk. After being diagnosed with hallux valgus and flat feet, he tried to solve the problem by means that seemed to be medically good (Rehabilitation, taping, special insoles, etc.), but the pain didn’t go away and he didn’t seem to be able to get any response, and he felt depressed, but he said that his physical condition improved dramatically right after he went to a course at the ASHITASTYLE® ACADEMY. “What if this?"! Then, my professional interest came up, and I went there immediately. Although I did not have any physical problems, I was convinced that this would be useful in a doctor’s office, because I now know the condition of my feet and soles, walking assist 3D insoles, how to choose the right shoes, how to wear shoes, and how to walk properly.
We use the information and technology acquired at the ASHITASTYLE® ACADEMY in our business. If this knowledge spreads, it will surely reduce the number of people who are worried about feet and shoes. You can improve your health by taking care of people without illness. You won’t get sick from cold when you walk. We are currently planning to collect data on patients’ feet, formulate a system, and present it at a conference.
At ASHITASTYLE® ACADEMY, I feel that not only knowledge, but also experience through my own experience, and sharing the diverse ideas, experiences, and reactions of my fellow students, are living lessons that can be used in the field. Not only for those who suffer from hallux valgus, but also for those who have problems such as back pain and stiff shoulders, flat feet, hunched back, stumbling and fall prevention, and those who are interested in building a body as a countermeasure against frailty!
石井外科 http://ishii-geka.com/
〒162-0065 東京都新宿区住吉町8-2
TEL 03-3351-9338